7th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 9 (Year B)
/Call to Worship
Let us lift our eyes, for God is enthroned in the heavens! Ps. 123
We look to the Lord, for God is our source and our strength.
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised! Ps. 48
We ponder God’s steadfast love, a never-ending stream.
God’s name reaches to the ends of the earth!
God will forever be our guide.
Come, let us worship God!
Prayer of the Day
God of all Goodness and Grace,
we are gathered in your name
to bring ourselves as an offering -
body and soul - to serve your realm.
Mold us into the creation you intend
that we might embody your truth
in a world that needs it so desperately. Amen.
Call to Confession
The Psalmist encourages us to lift our eyes,
but the weight of our sin keeps our gaze upon the ground.
Let us confess our sins
that we may be freed of the burden that only Christ can release.
We are weary with the weight of our sin.
We carry not only the weight of our individual sins,
but the weight of the sins of all humanity.
We confess that we have participated in patterns of injustice
and have been complicit in actions of cruelty and violence.
We have been impudent and stubborn Ezekiel 2:4
when you call us to be obedient and faithful.
Stir our hearts that we may return to you
with open and compassionate hearts.
Free us of our sin that we may be a new creation
and follow you all the days of our life. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Friends, hear the good news of the Gospel:
our sin does not have the final word.
Death, destruction, and despair have been defeated
in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
I announce to you that our sins have been forgiven.
Alleluia! Amen.
Prayer for Illumination
Your name, O God, like your praise, reaches to the ends of the earth! Ps. 48:10
May our reading of your word be guided by your Spirit
that we may join in proclaiming that name. Amen.
Prayers of the People
Let us pray to God saying:
God of Creation, we ponder your steadfast love. Ps. 48:9
We pray for the helpers among us:
for teachers, preachers, and community organizers,
for rabbis, imams, and all leaders of faith,
for police, firefighters, and emergency medical providers,
for doctors, nurses, and social workers.
May we do our part to help them in their calling.
God of Creation, we ponder your steadfast love.
We pray for our politicians:
for our mayor, [name of mayor],
for our congressional representative, [name of representative],
for our senators, [names of senators],
for our governor, [name of governor],
and our president, Donald Trump.
May they be wise and just,
compassionate and courageous.
God of Creation, we ponder your steadfast love.
We pray for this congregation:
that each member may feel welcomed and valued,
that its committees and groups may do their work faithfully,
that the staff may be supported and encouraged,
that the session may be guided by your wisdom,
and that we may discern our mutual calling together.
God of Creation, we ponder your steadfast love.
As we ponder your steadfast love,
we are mindful of the vulnerable ones among us
who need faithful love and protection:
we pray for children, the elderly, and the disabled;
for those with mental illnesses and addictions;
for those who are unemployed or underemployed;
and for those who cannot seem to find their way.
God of Creation, we ponder your steadfast love.
God of our joys and our sorrows,
we lift up to you the concerns of our hearts
either silently or out loud… [personal petitions may be made]
God of Creation, we ponder your steadfast love.
We pray this day that your steadfast love may hold us dearly.
Guide us in the coming week that we might follow you faithfully. Amen.